Roaming to the Future. Together Creating Our Desired Future

According to the future-oriented education concept of Tamkang University, the University shall adapt to current social changes and carry on its social responsibility for sustainable development and talents incubation, thus seeking a desirable future and leading the society to achieve “the future we want”.

On the Wall of Vision, “Roaming to the Future” is composed of two large metallic mirrors on both sides. The concave mirror represents the absorption of the surrounding environment, involving the University’s cultural essences over the past seven decades. The convex mirror represents expansion and foresight. The shimmering backlighting symbolizes the lifelike breathing, vibration, and sustainability. Between the two mirrors are seven round plates swinging and reflecting various images, from where diverse possibilities are refracted. Virtual and real mirror images are represented through absorption and lighting, implying the dynamic of the future, relating stories of the Tamkang people and a vision shared by all.

The future is not just happening but it is made, and there are choices.—Markus Schulz

Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center, Tamkang University Tamsui, Taiwan 2020